How to create a diverse & Inclusive workplace.
Imagine that at your workplace every employee is seen and acknowledged for WHO they are. I mean, acknowledged for their talents, strengths, and contributions on all levels. This regardless of their background, ethnicity, who they love, what they believe in, or what they look like. An organisation where everyone has an equal chance to develop and feels save to express themselves even about the uncomfortable topics. Think about it, how does that sound?
This is possible with the creation of a company culture where Diversity, Equality, Inclusion is the norm. Can you imagine the benefits for organisations with a workplace culture like that?
Like, fully engaged and loyal employees, who will go that extra mile and tend to want to stay and invest their full capacity. They will feel good at work and therefore will have better physical and mental health. This is attractive to talented future employees including millennials.
The diversity of employees will reflect in their set of life experiences and backgrounds that they will bring to the table, they are used to look at life through a different lens. Which will in turn enable different perspectives to solve challenges or address problems innovatively.
Think about your customers who appreciate a company that fosters a diversity & inclusion culture which will attract new customers as the organisations’ image will be forward-thinking as you are perceived as more in touch with what is going on in the world and taking her responsibility.
Already convinced and motivated to get started to improve Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in your workplace, but you are not sure how yet? Great, this is when we, at the Majas ConneXion, come on board. Based on a needs DEI-assessment we will present a customised plan, a guide, encompassing elements, tailored to the needs and possibilities in your workplace to work towards an inclusive workplace, where all employees feel they belong.
(online) Inclusion Team programme
1. Bias awareness sessions LSP
“Let’s talk about Bias” is an online LEGO SERIOUS PLAY session of two hours with maximal 5 employees, to talk about Unconscious bias, what it is and the lived experiences of the participants. This method is an effective start of the company culture change programme and will deliver a rich picture of what the current workplace culture in regards to DEI is.
2. Peer social learning method, interested staff taking the lead
Through a peer, (employees of the same age, grade or status), social learning/communication methodology where employees, who volunteer, represent all levels and or peer groups, will take the lead in the process of effecting change. These ‘workplace homemakers’ will be enabled by training and coaching and tools to contribute to the change process.

Inclusion organisation mainstreaming
Apart from the social component, the actual way an organisation is structured is as much a necessity to grow into a workplace culture where Diversity, Equality & Inclusion is the norm. Therefore we will make an Inclusion Assessment (scan) of what is already in place and where are opportunities that can be further explored. This is an Inclusion assessment scanning i.e. recruitment and onboarding process, presence and awareness of rules of conduct, RI&E, work processes and government rules & regulations. The subsequent report will encompass a recommendation for the way forward. This could entail training, adaptation advice and or effective strategy/team building sessions with the use of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, tailored to your workplace needs.
Space for dialogue
The Dialogue Space is located in a former classroom in ‘T Venster, Generaal Foulkesweg 42A in Wageningen. This is a fully equipped space to work with groups and or individuals. Because of the size of the space and the huge round table (12 persons), it offers space to work in small groups in these times.
The future of peace and prosperity that we seek for all the world’s peoples needs a foundation of tolerance, security, equality and justice.
Kofi Annan

About Marga Janse of Majas ConneXion
In the last 25 years, I have been working as an international communication 4 development professional, using social processes based on dialogue to empower people and to sustainably contribute to development.
Through my work, of which I spend over 10 years in Sub Sahara Africa, I have learned to listen to understand asking clarifying questions putting my own references on hold, this enabled me to co-create lasting programmes which impact.
Nowadays Majas ConneXion is a collaboration of an international network of a variety of skilled experts, goal-getters, activist, idealist and beautiful people, who are all part of the movement striving for equality and inclusion enabling social change.